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Any Opinion Expressed Is Mine, No Matter Where I Got It From, And I Retain All Rights To It, Should It Actually Prove To Be Of Any Value.
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Any opinion expressed is mine, no matter where I got it from, and I retain
all rights to it, should it actually prove to be of any value.
Any expressed opinions are mine; but feel free to share.
I disclaim all responsibilities, all shapes, all sizes, all colors. -- DISCLAIMER...
All opinions expressed are mine. Never mind who I work for. -- DISCLAIMER
The Opinions expressed here are my own - I managed to form them without *Any* help from my employers.
.... -- DISCLAIMER...
The opinions expressed are mine, wholly mine, and nothing but mine. -- DISCLAIMER
Any comments I may make are not necessarily those of my employer. -- DISCLAIMER
Halfway up the stairs is the stair where I sit, There isn't any other stair quite like it.
It's not at the bottom, It's not at the top, but this is the stair where I always stop....
In no event will the author be liable for ANY damages arising from the use, misuse, abuse, inability to use, etc.
etc., of this program, even if it were to initiate a complete mass to energy conversion of your personal computer, thus reducing the state in which you reside to a smoldering ruin....
The ideas expressed above are mine, and they intend to stay that way.
..whether or not they suck. -- DISCLAIMER...
The opinions expressed are those of the author. His employer would disavow any knowledge of them, presuming they knew that he had any.