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Someday There Is Going To Be A Book About A Middle Aged Man With A Good Job, A Beautiful Wife And Two Lovely Children Who Still Manages To Be Happy.
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Someday there is going to be a book about a middle aged man with a good
job, a beautiful wife and two lovely children who still manages to be happy.
-- Bill Vaughan
Your children begin to look middle aged
A pedestrian is a man who has two cars, a wife, and one or more teenage children.
Someday, perhaps, a state or city will pass up the names of famous people and name new facilities "Taxpayer Stadium.
-- Bill Vaugha...
We're going to find out tonight who the oldest lady in the audience is.
And we have a marvelous present for her. When we find the oldest lady, we're going to give her ....
Quote #280 Heinlein, we've noted, has roughly four main characters (for anyone who might have missed it, they are
The crusty old man, who is Heinlein; the competent young man, who is a young Heinlei...
y. -- Bill Vaugha
You can tell it's going to be a rotten day when your wife says, "Good morning, Bill," and your name is George.
My wife told me of a book about finding the G spot.
I went to a bookstore. I couldn't even find the book ....
Jacques: First, you must get to know your lane. Feel the slickness, feel the slippery finish.
Caresses it, experience it. Quite smooth, isn't it?...