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Ubroutine: /stuhb'roo-teen/ [contraction Of `stub Subroutine'] N.
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:stubroutine: /stuhb'roo-teen/ [contraction of `stub
subroutine'] n. Tiny, often vacuous placeholder for a subroutine
that is to be written or fleshed out later.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
ubroutine /stuhb'roo-teen/ n. [contraction of `stub subroutine'] Tiny, often vacuous placeholder for a subroutine that is to be written or fleshed out later.
POPJ: /pop'J/ [from a {PDP-10} return-from-subroutine instruction] n.
v. To return from a digression. By verb doubling, "Popj, popj" means roughly "Now let's see, where were we?...
adger: /nad'jr/ [Great Britain] v. Of software or hardware (not people), to twiddle some object in a hidden manner, generally so that it conforms better to some format.
For instance, string printing routines on 8-bit processors often take the string text from the instruction stream, thus a print call looks like `jsr pri...
dike: vt. To remove or disable a portion of something, as a wire from a computer or a subroutine from a program.
A standard slogan is "When in doubt, dike it out"....
idempotent: [from mathematical techspeak] adj. Acting as if used only once, even if used multiple times.
This term is often used with respect to {C} header files, which contain common definitions and declarations to be included by several source files....
doc: /dok/ n. Common spoken and written shorthand for `documentation'.
Often used in the plural `docs' and in the construction `doc file' (i....
CNS: Call Nonexistent Subroutine
JRSR: Jump to Random SubRoutine
GNUMACS: /gnoo'maks/ [contraction of `GNU EMACS'] Often-heard abbreviated name for the {GNU} project's flagship tool, {EMACS}.
Used esp. in contrast with {GOSMACS}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...