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Sure There Are Dishonest Men In Local Government. But There Are Dishonest Men In National Government Too.
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Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are
dishonest men in national government too.
-- Richard Milhouse Nixon
Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too.
-- Richard Nixo...
Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too.
-- Richard M. Nixo...
They say it's the responsibility of the media to look at government -- especially the president -- with a microscope.
I don't argue with that, but when they use a proctoscope, it's going too far....
This is no time for consensus government. It's a time for leadership.
The average citizen doesn't know what the stakes are in Vietnam....
They say it's the responsibility of the media to look at government -- especially the president -- with a microscope.
I don't argue with that, but when they use a proctoscope, it's going too far. -- Richard Nixo...
What are friends for? -- Richard Milhouse Nixo
We could do that, but it would be wrong, that's for sure.
-- from the best-loved quotes of Richard Milhouse Nixo...
Richard Nixon was the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life.
He lied to his wife, his family, his friends, his colleagues in the Congress, lifetime members of his own political party, the American people, and the world....