Terrell: "I've Never Even Met Admiral Kirk." Khan: "Admiral?

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Terrell: "I've never even met Admiral Kirk." Khan: "Admiral? Admiral!
Admiral... Never told you how *Admiral* Kirk sent seventy of us
into exile here on this barren sandheap with only the contents of
these cargo bays to sustain us." Chekov: "You lie! On Ceti Alpha
V there was life! A fair chance!" Khan: "This is Ceti Alpha V! Ceti
Alpha VI exploded six months after we were left here. The shock
shifted the orbit of this planet and everything was laid waste.
*Admiral* Kirk never bothered to check on our progress. It was only
the fact of my genetically engineered intellect that allowed us to
survive. On Earth, two-hundred years ago, I was a prince, with power
over millions!" Chekov: "Captain Kirk was your host. You repaid his
hospitality by trying to steal his ship and murder him!"
-- "STII:TWOK", Stardate 8130.4
