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The Breaking Waves Dashed High On A Stern And Rock-bound Coast, And The Woods Against A Stormy Sky Their Giant Branches Tossed.
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The breaking waves dashed high
On a stern and rock-bound coast,
And the woods against a stormy sky
Their giant branches tossed.
-- Felicia D. Hemas (1794-1835)
-- Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers
Ay, call it holy ground, The soil where first they trod
They have left unstained what there they found,-- Freedom to worship God....
What sought they thus afar? Bright jewels of the mine, The wealth of seas, the spoils of war?
They sought a faith's pure shrine. -- Felicia D....
I have looked on the hills of the stormy North, And the larch has hung his tassels forth.
-- Felicia D. Hemas (1794-1835) -- The Voice of Spring...
Alas for love, if thou wert all, And naught beyond, O Earth!
-- Felicia D. Hemas (1794-1835) -- The Graves of a Household...
In the busy haunts of men. -- Felicia D. Hemas (1794-1835) -- Tale of the Secret Tribunal, Part i
Calm on the bosom of thy God, Fair spirit, rest thee now!
-- Felicia D. Hemas (1794-1835) -- Siege of Valencia, Scene ix...
Come to the sunset tree! The day is past and gone
The woodman's axe lies free, And the reaper's work is done....
The stately homes of England,-- How beautiful they stand, Amid their tall ancestral trees, O'er all the pleasant land!
-- Felicia D. Hemas (1794-1835) -- The Homes of England...
I had a hat. It was not all a hat,-- Part of the brim was gone
Yet still I wore it on. -- Felicia D....