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A Realist Lets Circumstances Decide Which End Of The Telescope To Look Through.
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A realist lets circumstances decide which end of the telescope to look through.
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope. -- Josh Billing
Skinner: It's coming pretty close to the ground, maybe I can catch it.
Don't touch the telescope, Bart. A slight change in elevation can destroy a whole morning's work....
Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the the philanthropist to over-look the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., "Strength to Love", 1963...
So Davey says to Alan "lets look up Tim and have a race!
Skinner: Ah, there's nothing more exciting than science.
You get all the fun of sitting still, being quiet, writing down numbers, paying attention....
The Bible is a window in this prison of hope, through which we look into eternity.
-- John Sullivan Dwigh...
Affection, like melancholy, magnifies trifles; but the magnifying of the one is like looking through a telescope at heavenly objec
hat of the other, like enlarging monsters with a microscope. -- Leigh Hu...
Oh sure, this costume may look silly, but it lets me get in and out of dangerous situations -- I work for a federal task force doing a survey on urban crime.
Look, here's my ID, and here's a number you can call, that will put you through to our central base in Atlanta....