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The Grand Leap Of The Whale Up The Fall Of Niagara Is Esteemed, By All Who Have Seen It, As One Of The Finest Spectacles In Nature.
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The grand leap of the whale up the Fall of Niagara is esteemed,
by all who have seen it, as one of the finest spectacles in nature.
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
The grand leap of the whale up the Fall of Niagara is esteemed, by all who have seen it, as one of the finest spectacles in nature.
-- Benjamin Franklin....
If you've seen one Grand Canyon, you've seen them all. -- a member of the Monkey Wrench Gang
If Mother Nature were smart she'd have leaves fall up.
One of the causes of the Revolutionary Wars was the English put tacks in their tea.
Also, the colonists would send their parcels through the post without stamps....
Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few
friend to one; enemy to none. -- Benjamin Frankli...
Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember and remember more than I have seen.
-- Benjamin Disraeli...
Q: Why do people who live near Niagara Falls have flat foreheads?
A: Because every morning they wake up thinking "What *is* that noise? Oh, right, *of course*!...