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The Great Mountains Of The World Are A Great Remedy If Men But Did Know It Against Our Modern Discontent And Ambitions.
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The great mountains of the world are a great remedy if men but did know it
against our modern discontent and ambitions. In the hills is wisdom's
fount. They are deep in time.
-- E. R. Eddison, The Worm Ouroboros
He that feareth is a slave, were he never so rich, were he never so powerful.
But he that is without fear is king of all the world. -- E. R. Eddison, The Worm Ouroboro...
Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
The mountains are fountains of men as well as of rivers, of glaciers, of fertile soil.
The great poets, philosophers, prophets, able men whose thoughts and deeds have moved the world, have come down from the mountains - mountain dwellers who have grown strong there with the forest trees in Nature's workshops....
The world's great men have not commonly been great scholars, nor its great scholars great men.
-- Oliver Wendell Holme...
A Great Plenty" by E. Nuff
America is not a mere body of traders; it is a body of free men.
Our greatness is built upon our freedom -- is moral, not material....
I'll never forget the time I was flying over Milwaukee and the pilot said, "We're now approaching the great city
let's set our watches back one hundred years." -- Jack E. Leonard...
Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow...
The world's great men have not commonly been great scholars, nor its great scholars great men.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) -- The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, vi...