The great wall of China was built in 221 - 206 B.C. and stretches for
2,150 miles across the northern border of the Chinese Empire. The Wall's
dimensions range from 15 to 39 feet high and is 32 feet thick. It took
10 years to build.
Big Gray Wall n.
What faces a VMS user searching for
documentation. A full VMS kit comes on a pallet, the documentation
taking up around 15 feet of shelf space before the addition of
layered products such as compilers, databases, multivendor
networking, and programming tools....
Big Gray Wall: n. What faces a {VMS} user searching for
documentation. A full VMS kit comes on a pallet, the documentation
taking up around 15 feet of shelf space before the addition of
layered products such as compilers, databases, multivendor
networking, and programming tools....