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The Moral World Is As Little Exempt As The Physical World From The Law Of Ceaseless Change, Of Perpetual Flux.
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The moral world is as little exempt as the physical world from the law
of ceaseless change, of perpetual flux.
-- Sir James G. Frazer
I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787...
A little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.
-- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Madison, 1787...
In modern Europe, as in ancient Greece, it would seem that even inanimate objects have sometimes been punished for their misdeeds.
After the revocation of the edict of Nantes, in 1685, the Protestant chapel at La Rochelle was condemned to be demolished, but the bell, perhaps out of regard for its value, was spared....
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
What are most of the histories of the world, but lies?
Lies immortalized and consigned offer as a perpetual abuse and a flaw upon prosperity. -- South...
It's hard to be a James Bond in an Abbott and Costello world.
A little help contributes to a better world..