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The Most Important Thing A Woman Can Have--next To Talent, Of Course--is Her Hairdresser.
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The most important thing a woman can have--next to talent, of course--is
her hairdresser.
-- Joan Crawford
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell.
-- Joan Crawford...
Damn it . . . Don't you dare ask God to help me." (To her housekeeper, who had begun to pray aloud.
) ~~ Joan Crawford, actress, d. May 10, 1977...
The most important thing in life is to love someone.
The second most important thing in life is to have someone love you....
The most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman is that one of them be good at taking orders.
-- Linda Festa...
Hairdresser: So, what's the verdict? Woman: [realizes she's been given a Marge Simpson hairdo] Oh, dear God!
I can't even put a bag over my head! Hairdresser: Yes you can. -- "Homer Alone...
Most of the dogmatic religions have exhibited a perverse talent for taking the wrong side on the most important concepts in the material universe
from the structure of the solar system to the origin of man. -- George Gaylord Simpso...
The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face.
-- Sydney J. Harri...
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
-- Reverend Theodore Hesburgh...
The most important thing in acting is honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
-- George Bu...