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The Only Insect That Can Beat Its Wing Over 130,000 Times A Minute Is The Midge - A Mosquito Look-alike.
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The only insect that can beat its wing over 130,000 times a minute is
the midge - a mosquito look-alike.
The only insect that can lift 50 times its own weight is the ant.
The kids scream 'Oh yuck, we just hit a mosquito on the windshield - look at its blood.
' In fact, it isn't the mosquito's blood, but blood the insect has just recently sucked from a red-blooded animal....
You can make the passages look less alike by dropping things.
Burke: "They all look alike." Samno: "What about that smell?
You know only top-of-the-line models can even talk--" -- "STVI:TUC", Stardate 9522.6...
Many suitcases look alike.
You can never beat anything that fights laying on its back.
We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-- Luciano de Crescenzo...
A recent moralist has affirmed that the human heart is like a jug.
No mortal can look into its recesses, and you can only judge of its purity by what comes out of it....
You'd better beat it. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff.
If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. -- Groucho Marx...