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The Oxford Dictionary Of Computing, 3rd Edition (paperback), 1991 Has The Following Entry On Page 323 Under OS/2
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The Oxford Dictionary of Computing, 3rd edition (paperback), 1991 has the
following entry on page 323 under OS/2:
OS/2 : An operating system. It has a wimp user interface called Presentation
The entry for wimp can be found on page 501:
Wimp: Acronym for windows, icons, menus, pointers.
Strangely, the dictionary does not use the same adjective/acronym to
describe the Apple, Windows or X-Windows interfaces.
point-and-drool interface: n. Parody of the techspeak term `point-and-shoot interface', describing a windows, icons, and mouse-based interface such as is found on the Macintosh.
The implication, of course, is that such an interface is only suitable for idiots....
WIMP environment: n. [acronym: `Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device (or Pull-down menu)'] A graphical-user-interface environment such as {X} or the Macintosh interface, esp.
as described by a hacker who prefers command-line interfaces for their superior flexibility and extensibility....
point-and-drool interface n. Parody of the techspeak term `point-and-shoot interface', describing a windows, icons, and mouse-based interface such as is found on the Macintosh.
The implication, of course, is that such an interface is only suitable for idiots....
Exploder n. Used within Microsoft to refer to the Windows Explorer, the interface component of Windows 95 and WinNT 4.
Our spies report that most of the heavy guns at MS came from a Unix background and use command line utilitie...
Macintrash: /mak'in-trash`/ n. The Apple Macintosh, as described by a hacker who doesn't appreciate being kept away from the *real computer* by the interface.
The term {maggotbox} has been reported in regular use in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina....
WIMP environment n. [acronym: `Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device (or Pull-down menu)'] A graphical-user-interface environment such as X or the Macintosh interface, esp.
as described by a hacker who prefers command-line interfaces for their superior flexibility and extensibility....
for the rest of us: [from the Mac slogan "The computer for the rest of us"] adj.
1. Used to describe a {spiffy} product whose affordability shames other comparable products, or (more often) used sarcastically to describe {spiffy} but very overpriced products....
user-obsequious: adj. Emphatic form of {user-friendly}.
Connotes a system so verbose, inflexible, and determinedly simple-minded that it is nearly unusable....
Microsoft ActivePromo Campaign: "Windows Competitive Upgrade Offer" Microsoft's PR masterminds are planning a massive marketing campaig
code-named "ActivePromo 2000", to promote the upcoming release of Windows 2000 (scheduled for February 2001)....