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The Problem Of Civil Society Is Twofold: How To Identify And Select Wise Rule
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The problem of civil society is twofold: how to identify and select
wise rulers, and how to assure that their wisdom will be used for
the benefit of the ruled- or of the common good as distinct from
their private good.
-- Harry V. Jaffa
A free people always has the right to dismiss its rulers, whom it regards as its servants, at any time.
-- Harry V. Jaffa...
For the rule of the wise over the less wise to be advantageous .
.. it must come about by a process of consent. And the requirement of consent can be understood only in the light of, and by recognition of, natural equality....
There is no difference between man and man, as there is between man and beast or between man and God, that makes one by nature the ruler of another.
This does not mean that there are not wide differences among men, or that it is not often to the advantage of some to be ruled by others....
Governments, like physicians, must simultaneously be the masters and the servants of those whom they govern.
-- Harry V. Jaffa...
Wisdom and good sense guard life from harm.
Government is good at one thing. It knows how to cripple you, hand you a crutch, and then tell you that you couldn't walk without government.
-- Harry Browne...
How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of good will.
-- Albert Einstei...
No matter how good it is, there's always better.
Most people seem to think that trampling individual rights is OK if it is "for the good of society as a whole.
However, society is but a large number of individuals, and how can harming the individual parts better the whole?...