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There Is An Inverse Relationship Between The Uniqueness Of An Observation And The Number Of Investigators Who Report It Simultaneously.
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There is an inverse relationship between the uniqueness of an observation
and the number of investigators who report it simultaneously.
-- A. B. Pardee
There's an inverse relationship between how good something is for you, and how much fun it is.
-- Calvin and Hobbe...
A relationship is what happens between two people who are waiting for something better to come along.
a = b a*a = b*a a*a - b*b = b*a - b*b (a-b)*(a+b) = b(a-b) a+b = b b+b = b 2b = b 2 = 1 Hi
whatever number, multiplied by 0 gives 0... -- Antonio...
When asked the definition of "pi": The Mathematicia
Pi is the number expressing the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter....
Any relationship between AT&T and science fiction is purely coincidental as is any relationship between my views and theirs.
The sumptuousness of a company's annual report is in inverse proportion to its profitability that year.
-- Irving Hale...
Totsnotter: A child who is crying and talking simultaneously.
Terman's Law There is no direct relationship between the quality of an educational program and its cost.
Of course a platonic relationship is possible -- but only between husband and wife.