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As Far As Can Be Known, One Of The Major Purposes For The Entire State Of Iowa Is To Keep Minnesota From Sinking And Hitting Missouri.
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As far as can be known, one of the major purposes for the entire State of
Iowa is to keep Minnesota from sinking and hitting Missouri.
One of the major functions of skin is to keep people who look at you from throwing up.
Actual exam answe...
gopher n. A type of Internet service first floated around 1991 and obsolesced around 1995 by the World Wide Web.
Gopher presents a menuing interface to a tree or graph of link...
Almost live from Minneapolis Minnesota!
Greetings from Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.
There is a homely adage which runs, "Speak softly and carry a big stick
you will go far." --Theodore Roosevelt [1858-1919] Speech at Minnesota State Fair [Sept. 2, 1901]...
In Minnesota they ask why all football fields in Iowa have artificial turf.
It's so the cheerleaders won't graze during the game....
In Oregon, the State Legislature has come up with a State Nut.
This is unlikely to happen in Missouri, since there are too many candidates....
I can see stopping a car for a dog. But a cat? You squish a cat and go on.
I think we're overcomplicating life." -- Iowa Democratic State Senator James Gallaghe...
Iowa State -- the high school after high school! -- Crow T. Robo