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The Well Resolved Mind Is Single & One Pointed.
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The well resolved mind is single & one pointed.
Shelby: "They act as a single mind." Riker: "One of them jumps off a cliff, they all jump off?
-- "The Best Of Both Worlds Part II", Stardate 44003.3...
To know only one thing well is to have a barbaric mind
civilization implies the graceful relation of all varieties of experience to a central humane system of thought....
Well, he thought, since neither Aristotilian Logic nor the disciplines of Science seemed to offer much hope, it's time to go beyond them.
.. Drawing a few deep even breaths, he entered a mental state practiced only by Masters of the Universal Way of Zen....
Fatbot: "I heard that in one single night you drank a whole keg, streaked across campus, and crammed fifty-eight humans into a phone booth.
Bender: "Yeah, well, a lot of 'em were children.......
A dirty mind is, well, a wonderful thing.
The persistent single-minded fixation on one idea.
One hundred women are not worth a single testicle. -- Confuciu
Probably the question asked most often is: Do one-celled animals have orgasms?
The answer is yes, the have orgasms almost constantly, which is why they don't mind living in pools of warm slime....
Probably the question asked most often is: Do one-celled animals have orgasms?
The answer is yes, the have orgasms almost constantly, which is why they don't mind living in pools of warm slime....