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The Zoo Is Not An Exhibition I View With Much Enjoyment, When I Notice Beasts In A Position To Learn The Weaknesses Of Men.
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The zoo is not an exhibition I view with much enjoyment, when I notice
beasts in a position To learn the weaknesses of men.
-- John Brunner
The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
-- Hegel "I know guys can't learn from yesterday ....
The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
-- Hegel I know guys can't learn from yesterday....
The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
-- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) I know guys can't learn from yesterday ....
The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn.
-- Earl Warren That men do not learn very much from history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach....
Lest men suspect your tale untrue, Keep probability in view.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Painter who pleased Nobody and Everybody...
When I was a kid I said to my father one afternoon, "Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?
He answered, "If the zoo wants you let them come and get you." -- Jerry Lewi...