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This One's Got A Lot More, Uh, 640K That It Can Memorize. -- CVN Cable TV Shopping Channel
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This one's got a lot more, uh, 640K that it can memorize.
-- CVN cable TV shopping channel
How can one little insulated wire bring so much happiness!
-- Homer on the wonders of cable TV, "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandme...
T.V. Commercial for the new Springfield Waterfront shopping cente
More over Baltimore, Springfield has stolen your idea!...
Bart: Don't worry, Mom. I can use my...[looks confused] "Shinning".
.. to call Willy. [concentrates] [Willy watches TV in a little house] Ke...
On cable TV they have a weather channel--twenty-four hours of weather.
We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window. -- Dan Spence...
Bart: [to passers-by] Hey Four-eyes! Vote Quimby. Hey Beardo!
Vote Quimby. Lisa: This time he's the _lesser_ of two evils....
Playboy channel? Nah, I've got the holodeck channel!
If you didn't catch it in the theater, or rent it, or see it someplace else .
.. We've got it! On the Blockbuster Channel! -- TV advertisement, "Homer vs....
640k is more RAM than anyone will ever need. -- Bill Gates, 1981
Announcer: We now return to the 1971 film, "Good-Time Slim, Uncle Doobie, and the Great 'Frisco Freak-Out", starring Troy McClure.
[a multicolored VW bug is chased by police] Ma...