Tips For Aliens In New York: Land Anywhere. Central Park, Anywhere.

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Tips for aliens in New York:
Land anywhere. Central Park, anywhere. No one will care or indeed
even notice.
Surviving: get a job as a cabdriver immediately. A cabdriver's job
is to drive people anywhere they want to go in big yellow machines
called taxis. Don't worry if you don't know how the machine works and
you can't speak the language, don't understand the geography or indeed
the basic physics of the area, and have large green antennae growing out
of your head. Believe me, this is the best way of staying
If your body is REALLY weird, try showing it to people in the streets
for money.
Amphibious life forms from any of the worlds in the Swulling, Noxios,
or Nausalia systems will particularly enjoy the East River, which is
said to be richer in those lovely life-giving nutrients than the finest
and most virulent laboratory slime yet achieved.
Having fun: this is the big section. It is impossible to have more
fun without electrocuting your pleasure center....
-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
