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To Live-is To Risk Dying.
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To live-is to risk dying.
It is better to live happily in risk, than depressed in safety.
I risk my life to live it well. -- William Perky
Risk -- risk is our business.
Good to forgive; Best to forget! Living, we fret; Dying, we live. -- R. Browning
The price of liberty is, always has been, and always will be blood.
The person who is not willing to die for his liberty has already lost it to the first scoundrel who is willing to risk dying to violate that person's liberty....
The price of liberty is, always has been, and always will be blood
the person who is not willing to die for his liberty has already lost it to the first scoundrel who is willing to risk dying to violate that person's liberty....
He died a hero's death, dying so his friends might live.
.. ...And that his enemies might have something to go with their potatoes....
All perfect republics are perfect nonsense. The craving to risk death is our last great perversion.
We come from night, we go into night. Why live in night? -- John Fowles, The Magu...
It's just so uninteresting to live without love. Life has not risk.
Love just seems to make life not just livable, but a gallant, gallant event. -- Toni Morriso...