As Soon As You Are Willing To Discard Observational Data Because It Conflicts
With Religion, You Are Giving Up Any Hope Of Ever Really Understanding The
As soon as you are willing to discard observational data because it conflicts
with religion, you are giving up any hope of ever really understanding the
universe. As soon as you pick religion as the touchstone of reality, then we
have to start discussing how one can demonstrate the correctness of one
religion over another when different *religions* disagree.
-- Wilson Heydt (whheydt@PacBell.COM)
The answer is simple: kill the heretics. History shows us that this is the
actual solution that competing religions apply -- trial by combat or trial by
ordeal. God is the final arbiter. What a sad waste of human potential it
has proven to be.
-- Paul Hager (
It is always preferable to visit home with a friend. Your parents will
not be pleased with this plan, because they want you all to themselves and
because in the presence of your friend, they will have to act like mature
human beings....
Unfalsifiable propositions are not amenable to any method at all.
If there were, then religions would be able to find a way to resolve
internal conflicts over differing versions of their unfalsifiables
without resorting to schism, excommunication, torture, or jihad....