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Vaxism: /vak'sizm/ N. A Piece Of Code That Exhibits {vaxocentrism} In Critical Areas.
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:vaxism: /vak'sizm/ n. A piece of code that exhibits
{vaxocentrism} in critical areas. Compare {PC-ism},
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
vaxism /vak'sizm/ n. A piece of code that exhibits vaxocentrism in critical areas.
Compare PC-ism, unixism....
PC-ism: /P-C-izm/ n. A piece of code or coding technique that takes advantage of the unprotected single-tasking environment in IBM PCs and the like, e.
g., by busy-waiting on a hardware register, direct diddling of screen memory, or using hard timing loops....
PC-ism /P-C-izm/ n. A piece of code or coding technique that takes advantage of the unprotected single-tasking environment in IBM PCs and the like running DOS, e.
g., by busy-waiting on a hardware register, direct diddling of screen memory, or using hard timing loops....
unixism: n. A piece of code or a coding technique that depends on the protected multi-tasking environment with relatively low process-spawn overhead that exists on virtual-memory UNIX systems.
Common {unixism}s include: gratuitous use of `fork(2)'...
hitogram: /shit'oh-gram/ n. A *really* nasty piece of email.
Compare {nastygram}, {flame}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
unixism n. A piece of code or a coding technique that depends on the protected multi-tasking environment with relatively low process-spawn overhead that exists on virtual-memory Unix systems.
Common unixisms include: gratuitous use of fork(2)...
kangaroo code: n. Syn. {spaghetti code}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary
core cancer: n. A process that exhibits a slow but inexorable resource {leak} -- like a cancer, it kills by crowding out productive `tissue'.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
lim: n. A small, derivative change (e.g., to code). -- The AI Hackers Dictionary