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We Can't Be Passive; We Have To Internalize Information And Place Ourselves Precisely In The Flow.
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We can't be passive; we have to internalize information and place
ourselves precisely in the flow.
-- Deng Ming-Dao
If we find what is unique to each day, we will have freshness and the greatest fulfillment possible.
-- Deng Ming-Dao...
We should not randomly gather information; rather, we should try to order it into a comprehensive whole, thereby compounding our abilities to our own advantage.
-- Deng Ming-Dao...
Let us not hold ourselves above our fellow human beings, no matter how great the disparity.
To withhold your scorn is already beautiful. To see how we are all of one family is compassion....
We must carefully influence the collective, and in turn, we will be shaped by the company we keep.
-- Deng Ming-Dao...
No matter how much we achieve one day, we must continue the next. -- Deng Ming-Dao
The actual Is only actual In one place And one time -- Deng Ming-Dao
Manure is an excellent way to feed plants. The same is true of misfortune, failures, and disappointments of life.
If we understand the importance of manure, we understand that nothing is truly wasted....
Metaphysical totalitarianism of any kind stifles the freedom we have as human beings.
It is not acceptable to have a religion where the alternative to faith is punishment - that's how you train dogs, not develop people....
Though others have faults, Concentrate on your own. -- Deng Ming-Dao