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We Stand For The Maintenance Of Private Property...
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We stand for the maintenance of private property.... We shall protect
free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible
economic order.
-- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), "Der Fruehrer"
Regarding the nationalization of industry or private property
"Of what importance is all that, if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape?...
Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.
-- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), "Mein Kampf", 1933...
What shall we do to be saved? In politics, establish a constitutional cooperative society or world government.
In economics, find working compromises between free enterprise and socialism. -- Arnold Toynbee...
There is a road to freedom. Its milestones are Obedience, Endeavor, Honesty, Order, Cleanliness, Sobriety, Truthfulness, Sacrifice, and love of the Fatherland.
-- Adolf Hitle...
There is a road to freedom. Its milestones are Obedience, Endeavor, Honesty, Order, Cleanliness, Sobriety, Truthfulness, Sacrifice, and love of the Fatherland.
-- Adolf Hitle...
The primary aim of all government regulation of economic life of the community should be, not to supplant the system of private economic enterprise, but to make it work.
-- Carl Becke...
The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow subject races to possess arms.
.. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so....
I'll put an end to the idea that a woman's body belongs to her .
. . the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand....
Thought I to myself, we shall never come off scot-free.