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A Business With An Income At Its Heels Furnishes Always Oil For Its Own Wheels.
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A business with an income at its heels
Furnishes always oil for its own wheels.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800)
-- Retirement, Line 614
What is it but a map of busy life, Its fluctuations, and its vast concerns?
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- The Task, Book iv, The Winter Evening, Line 55...
Absence of occupation is not rest, A mind quite vacant is a mind distress'd.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Retirement, Line 623...
An idler is a watch that wants both hands, As useless if it goes as if it stands.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Retirement, Line 681...
Built God a church, and laugh'd his word to scorn.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Retirement, Line 688...
Our wasted oil unprofitably burns, Like hidden lamps in old sepulchral urns.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Conversation, Line 357...
I praise the Frenchman, How sweet, how passing sweet, is solitude!
But grant me still a friend in my retreat, Whom I may whisper, Solitude is sweet....
Philologists, who chase A panting syllable through time and space, Start it at home, and hunt it in the dark To Gaul, to Greece, and into Noah's ark.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Retirement, Line 691...
He would not, with a peremptory tone, Assert the nose upon his face his own.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Conversation, Line 121...
Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward. -- William E. Davidse