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When Zeno Was Asked What A Friend Was, He Replied, "Another I.
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When Zeno was asked what a friend was, he replied, "Another I."
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD)
-- Zeno, xix
When asked what wine he liked to drink, he replied, "That which belongs to another.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Diogenes, vi...
Asked from what country he came, he replied, "I am a citizen of the world.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Diogenes, vi...
They say that the first inclination which an animal has is to protect itself.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Zeno, lii...
Bury me on my face," said Diogenes; and when he was asked why, he replied, "Because in a little while everything will be turned upside down.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Diogenes, vi...
But Chrysippus, Posidonius, Zeno, and Boethus say, that all things are produced by fate.
And fate is a connected cause of existing things, or the reason according to which the world is regulated....
The Stoics also teach that God is unity, and that he is called Mind and Fate and Jupiter, and by many other names besides.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Zeno, lxviii...
He was once asked what a friend is, and his answer was, "One soul abiding in two bodies.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Aristotle, xi...
When Thales was asked what was difficult, he said, "To know one's self.
And what was easy, "To advise another." -- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Thales, ix...
When asked what learning was the most necessary, he said, "Not to unlearn what you have learned.
-- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200 AD) -- Antisthenes, iv...