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Where Yet Was Ever Found A Mother Who 'd Give Her Booby For Another?
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Where yet was ever found a mother
Who 'd give her booby for another?
-- John Gay (1688-1732)
-- Fables, Part i, The Mother, the Nurse, and the Fairy
No author ever spar'd a brother.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Elephant and the Bookselle...
Those who in quarrels interpose Must often wipe a bloody nose.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Mastiff...
And when a lady 's in the case, You know all other things give place.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Hare and many Friend...
Lest men suspect your tale untrue, Keep probability in view.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Painter who pleased Nobody and Everybody...
Give me, kind Heaven, a private station, A mind serene for contemplatio
Title and profit I resign; The post of honour shall be mine....
Whence is thy learning? Hath thy toil O'er books consum'd the midnight oil?
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Shepherd and the Philosophe...
In ev'ry age and clime we see Two of a trade can never agree.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Rat-catcher and Ca...
Is there no hope? the sick man said; The silent doctor shook his head.
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part i, The Sick Man and the Angel...
From wine what sudden friendship springs!
-- John Gay (1688-1732) -- Fables, Part ii, The Squire and his Cu...