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Avoid Shame, But Do Not Seek Glory,--nothing So Expensive As Glory.
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Avoid shame, but do not seek glory,--nothing so expensive as glory.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845)
-- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 88
Heat, ma'am!" I said; "it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 267...
You find people ready enough to do the Samaritan, without the oil and twopence.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 261...
We cultivate literature on a little oatmeal. -- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol.
i, p. 23...
Daniel Webster struck me much like a steam-engine in trousers.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 267...
Looked as if she had walked straight out of the ark.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 157...
That knuckle-end of England,--that land of Calvin, oat-cakes, and sulphur.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 17...
The Smiths never had any arms, and have invariably sealed their letters with their thumbs.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 244...
Ah, you flavour everything; you are the vanilla of society.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 262...
As the French say, there are three sexes,--men, women, and clergymen.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 262...