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Wugga Wugga: /wuh'g* Wuh'g*/ N. Imaginary Sound That A Computer Program Makes As It Labors With A Tedious Or Difficult Task.
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:wugga wugga: /wuh'g* wuh'g*/ n. Imaginary sound that a computer
program makes as it labors with a tedious or difficult task.
Compare {cruncha cruncha cruncha}, {grind} (sense 4).
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
wugga wugga /wuh'g* wuh'g*/ n. Imaginary sound that a computer program makes as it labors with a tedious or difficult task.
grind (sense 4)....
cruncha cruncha cruncha: /kruhn'ch* kruhn'ch* kruhn'ch*/ interj.
An encouragement sometimes muttered to a machine bogged down in a serious {grovel}....
grind crank: n. A mythical accessory to a terminal.
A crank on the side of a monitor, which when operated makes a zizzing noise and causes the computer to run faster....
GPV: /G-P-V/ n. Abbrev. for {General Public Virus} in widespread use.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
grind: vt. 1. [MIT and Berkeley] To prettify hardcopy of code, especially LISP code, by reindenting lines, printing keywords and comments in distinct fonts (if available), etc.
This usage was associated with the MacLISP community and is now rare...
ystem: n. 1. The supervisor program or OS on a computer.
2. The entire computer system, including input/output devices, the supervisor program or OS, and possibly other software....
feeper: /fee'pr/ n. The device in a terminal or workstation (usually a loudspeaker of some kind) that makes the {feep} sound.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
GPL: /G-P-L/ n. Abbreviation for `General Public License' in widespread use
ee {copyleft}, {General Public Virus}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
pooge: /spooj/ 1. n. Inexplicable or arcane code, or random and probably incorrect output from a computer program.
2. vi. To generate spooge (sense 1). -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...