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Yes, You Must Give Us All A Good Spanking!!
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Yes, you must give us all a good spanking!!
Great Scott, sir! You mean the moment's finally arrived for us to give Harry Hun a good old British-style thrashing, six of the best, trousers down?
...If you mean, 'Are we all going to get killed?', then....
DINGO: Wicked wicked Zoot ... she is a bad person and she must pay the penalty.
And here in Castle Anthrax, we have but one punishment ....
When we have put off for a good long while deciding, It must give us pause.
Therein is the respect that contains the calamity of delay....
One thing about my Aunt Nadie: She was gruff on the outside, but if you ever needed something, like a spanking or a scolding, she'd give it to you.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
Naches (rhymes with Bach' us, with "Bach" pronounced like the composer) is what every Jewish parent wants from their children, lots of good returns, good grades, good spouse, good grandchildren.
So, now that you all understand naches, the joke...
Women who want equality must be prepared to give it and believe in i
and in order to do that it is not enough to state that you are as good as any man, but also it must be stated he is as good as you and both will be humans together....
To give of yourself, you must first know yourself.
If you want to have a long life, you must give up all those things that would make a long life interesting and fun.