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You Know The Romance Is Not As Warm As Once It Was When He Leaves The Motor Running As He Drops Off His Girl Friend After A Date.
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You know the romance is not as warm as once it was when he leaves the motor
running as he drops off his girl friend after a date.
Once upon a time, there was a non-conforming sparrow who decided not to fly south for the winter.
However, soon after the weather turned cold, the sparrow changed his mind and reluctantly started to fly south....
A couple of young fellers were fishing at their special pond off the beaten track when out of the bushes jumped the Game Warden.
Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and started running through the woods like the proverbial bat out of hell, and hot on his heels ran the Game Warden....
Did you hear about the Newfie that Lost his girl friend because he couldn't remember where he had laid her.
You know your son is growing up when he looks at a girl the way he used to look at chocolate cake.
An 18-year-old boy, if he's properly formed, is ruled by the cruise missile in his pants.
The taut heartstrings and the fanciful talk -- they're all just formalities to getting laid...
The mad scientist was once only a creature of gothic romance
ow he is everywhere, busy torturing atoms and animals in his laboratory. -- Edward Abbey...
Beifeld's Principle: The probability of a young man meeting with a desirable and receptive young female increases by pyramidal progression when he is already in the company of
(1) a date, (2) his wife, (3) a better looking and richer male friend....
Beifeld's Principle The probability of a young man meeting a desirable and receptive young female increases by pyramidal progression when he is already in the company of (1) a date
(2) his wife, and (3) a better looking and richer male friend....