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Back When I Was Attending The University Of Utah, The Daily Utah Chronicle Ran A Joke Ad For A Debate Between Phil Donahue And Whiskers The Lamb.
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Back when I was attending the University of Utah, The Daily Utah Chronicle
ran a joke ad for a debate between Phil Donahue and Whiskers the Lamb.
Over 30 people showed up. (what they were expecting, God only knows.)
Rattlesnake speedway in the Utah desert, I pick up my money and head back into to town.
Fry: "Very impressive. Back in the 20th century we had no idea there was a university on Mars.
Prof. Farnsworth: "Well in those days Mars was just a dreary uninhabitable wasteland....
You know you've been hacking too long when... ...the funniest joke you came up with over dinner has the punch line
"But what if it was in hex?" ...and the people you were with also thought it was funny....
A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed. Imaginary creatures are trapped in birth on celluloid.
-- Genesis, "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" I don't know what it's about....
aga n. [WPI] A cuspy but bogus raving story about N random broken people.
Here is a classic example of the saga form, as told by Guy L....
Women in Utah must remember that state law prohibits heels over one and a half inches high.
Experience is what you get when you were expecting something else.