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Hear About... The Absent Minded Sculptor Who Put His Model To Bed And Started Chiseling On His Wife?
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Hear about...
the absent minded sculptor who put his model to bed and
started chiseling on his wife?
Did you hear about the absent minded sculptor who put his model to bed and started chiseling on his wife.
Did you hear about the absent-minded exhibitionist who was arrested for exposing his whatchamacalit.
Did you hear about the man who broke his nose in amorous circumstances.
He was making love to his wife doggy style and she suddenly ran under the bed....
Did you hear about the french soldier who kisses both his wife's cheeks before he went to the front.
Did you hear about the jealous black activist who suspected that his wife was involved in some honkie-panky.
Did you hear about the Newfie Who wouldn't go out with his wife because she was married.
Did you hear about the perverted australian who left his wife and returned to Sydney.
Hear about... the fellow who, upon being told by his shrewish wife that she would dance on his grave, promptly provided for a burial at sea?
Did you hear about the farmer who couldn't keep his hands off his wife so he fired them.