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If The American Dream Is For Americans Only, It Will Remain Our Dream And Never Be Our Destiny.
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If the American dream is for Americans only, it will remain our dream
and never be our destiny.
-- Rene de Visme Williamson
If the American dream is for Americans only, it will remain our dream and never be our destiny.
-- Ren'e de Visme Williamso...
he American dream, in recent years the object of much denigration even within our own borders, turns out to have been the world's dream, as well.
-- Louis Rukeyser, on events in Eastern Europe...
The machine -- not only does it relieve us mechanically of a crushing weight of physical and mental labo
but by the miraculous enhancing of our senses, through its powers of enlargement, penetration and exact measurement, it constantly increases the scope and clarity of our perceptions....
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made.
Destiny is made known silently." -- Agnes De Mille...
Folks, I'd like to sing a song about the American Dream.
About me, about you. About the way our American hearts beat way down in the bottom of our chests....
The dumplings in a dream are not dumplings, only dreams.
The world ended yesterday-this is only a dream!
What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is little enough
for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams....