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If You Hype Something And It Succeeds, You're A Genius -- It Wasn't A Hype.
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If you hype something and it succeeds, you're a genius -- it wasn't a
hype. If you hype it and it fails, then it was just a hype.
-- Neil Bogart
Don't become Roadkill on the "Data Super-Hype-Way".
I got my brain on hype. Tonight'll be your night. I got this long-assed knife, And your neck looks just right.
-- Body Count "Cop Kille...
It's true! The entire menu was personally approved by my secretary.
-- Rainer Wolfcastle at the opening of Springfield's "Planet Hype," "My Sister, My Sitte...
ALL new, innovative technologies travel a sinusoidal market curve of excitement (hype), disappointment over perceived problems and rounds of progress and roadblocks.
-- from a Gartner report by J. Baylock and G. Sund...
Quote #544 "There's a fundamental conflict between the seller and the buyer of software.
The buyer wants to make it work. The seller wants to make it half-work and improve it next year....
Announcer: The challenger learned how to fight in the notorious province[?
] of Capital City, and honed his skills while serving time for aggravated assault and manslaughter in Springfield Prison....
Brief History Of Linux (#26) On the surface, Transmeta was a secretive startup that hired Linus Torvalds in 1996 as their Alpha Geek to help develop some kind of microprocessor.
Linus, everyone found out later, was actually hired as part of a low-budget yet high-yield publicity stunt....
All you owe the public is a good performance. BOGART
You use unfamiliar words -- please re-phrase it, or try something else.