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Maybe We Should Think Of This As One Perfect Week..
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"Maybe we should think of this as one perfect week... where we found each
other, and loved each other... and then let each other go before anyone
had to seek professional help."
We are in this world to help each other. -- Sister Alma
Maybe we can get together and show off to each other sometimes.
We have lived and loved together Through many changing yea
We have shared each other's gladness, And wept each other's tears....
We don't work for each other, We work with each other. -- Stanley C. Gaul
Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other. --EURIPIDES (C.485-406 B.C.)
ARE WE HAVING A RELATIONSHIP -- Or just doing research on each other?
In computer science, we stand on each other's feet. -- Brian K. Reed
Lisa: I can't help but fell that if we had gotten to know each other better, my leaving would actually have meant something.
Friends: Yeah. -- Lisa bids farewell to her classmates, "Dancin' Home...
Picard: "Earth was once a violent planet too. At times, the chaos threatened the very fabric of life, but like you, we evolved.
We found other ways to handle our conflict. But I think no one can deny that the seed....