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My Girlfriend And I Sure Had A Good Time At The Beach Last Summer.
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My girlfriend and I sure had a good time at the beach last summer. First
she'd bury me in the sand, then I'd bury her. This summer I'm going to go
back and dig her up.
Oh, call my brother back to me! I cannot play alone
The summer comes with flower and bee,-- Where is my brother gone?...
Am I dying or is this my birthday?" (When she woke briefly during her last illness and found all her family around her bedside.
) ~~ Lady Nancy Astor, d. 1964...
My girlfriend told me that she was seeing another man. I told her to rub her eyes. -- Emo Philip
I remember the first time I picked up my girlfriend at her parents' place.
Her father said to me, "Make sure you have my daughter home by midnight....
A lady lost her cat, and took the cat in a little casket up to a big church and said, "I want you to bury my cat.
And they run her off. She went to another church, and they run her off....
Lisa: I can't believe it, Bart. I'd always thought Jessica was so sweet!
Bart: She's like a Milk Dud, Lis: sweet on the outside, poison on the inside....
I went to the beach a couple of times in New York City.
Tough summer out there, but I was pretty excited....
I had this Geography teacher Miss Foster, she took us on a school summer camp trip to the Ganwee.
I had the tent next to her, right. And in the middle of the night I was woken up by this really weird noise....
I will not bury the new kid.