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Nuclear Powered Vacuuum Cleaners Will Probably Be A Reality Within 10 Years.
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Nuclear powered vacuuum cleaners will probably be a reality within 10 years.
-- Alex Lewyt (President of the Lewyt Corporation,
manufacturers of vacuum cleaners), quoted in The New York
Times, June 10, 1955.
VACUUM-CLEANER Men have traditionally said of vacuum-cleaners "what's that?
New men know what vacuum-cleaners are, even if they've never touched them in the flesh....
Pool cleaners do it wet.
The Synthetic Fuels Corporation, like the egg roll, is shrimp surrounded by dough.
-- New York Times, Jan. 20, 1981...
There is something supremely reassuring about televisio
he worst is always yet to come. -- Jack Gould, quoted in: New York Times, 11/3/66...
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) A day to take the initiative.
Put the garbage out, for instance, and pick up the stuff at the dry cleaners....
Quote #109 (leicht divergierend:) "That Professor Goddard with his 'chair' in Clark College and the countenancing of the Smithsonian Institution does not know the relation of action to reactio
and of the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react - to say that would be absurd....
Pee-Wee''s CLEANERS: Drop your pants and Jacket off here.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.
--Frank Leahy, Notre Dame football coach Look magazine January 10, 1955...
10 years old is a good age to get stuck at.