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You Never Have To Change Anything You Got Up In The Middle Of The Night To Write. -- Saul Bellow
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You never have to change anything you
got up in the middle of the night to write.
-- Saul Bellow
You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write. -- Saul Bellow
What goes 'bellow, bellow, have you any soup plates please?' A bull in a china shop.
Herbert: While you're here, I want you to make yourselves right at home.
Any time you're hungry, any time day or night, Cook will make you anything you want....
PRO: You never have to get up in the morning. CON
You will never have another good night's sleep. -- Pros and Cons of Death...
Bart: Man, that's some story! Lisa: But there are still a few things I don't get.
Like, how come we never heard about this until today?...
A man is only as good as what he loves. -- Saul Bellow
I am simply a human being, more or less. -- Saul Bellow
In expressing love we belong among the undeveloped countries. -- Attributed to Saul Bellow
Rabbi K: [answers phone] What? Saul Bellow? The Nobel-prize-winning Jewish novelist?
He wants to have lunch with me? Ha ha! It's a date!...