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But Faith, Fanatic Faith, Once Wedded Fast To Some Dear Falsehood, Hugs It To The Last.
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But Faith, fanatic Faith, once wedded fast
To some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last.
-- Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
-- Lalla Rookh, The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan
There 's a bower of roses by Bendemeer's stream.
-- Thomas Moore (1779-1852) -- Lalla Rookh, The Veiled Prophet of Khorassa...
This narrow isthmus 'twixt two boundless seas, The past, the future,--two eternities!
-- Thomas Moore (1779-1852) -- Lalla Rookh, The Veiled Prophet of Khorassa...
Like the stain'd web that whitens in the sun, Grow pure by being purely shone upon.
-- Thomas Moore (1779-1852) -- Lalla Rookh, The Veiled Prophet of Khorassa...
A faith-holder puts himself below his faith and lets it guide his actions.
The fanatic puts himself above it and uses it as an excuse for his actions....
A faith-holder puts himself below his faith and lets it guide his actions.
The fanatic puts himself above it and uses it as an excuse for his actions....
The Faith that stands on authority is not faith. -- Emerso
The faith that stands on authority is not faith ." -- Ralph Waldo Emerso
He has paid dear, very dear, for his whistle.
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) -- The Whistle, November, 1779...
Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast, The rapids are near, and the daylight 's past.
-- Thomas Moore (1779-1852) -- A Canadian Boat-Song...