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But How Carve Way I' The Life That Lies Before, If Bent On Groaning Ever For The Past?
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But how carve way i' the life that lies before,
If bent on groaning ever for the past?
-- Robert Browning (1812-1890)
-- Balaustion's Adventure
When I hear the word "Culture" I pick up my Browning. -- Hanns Johst (1890-?)
Are there not, dear Michal, Two points in the adventure of the diver,-- One, when a beggar he prepares to plunge
One, when a prince he rises with his pearl? Festus, I plunge....
The message of history is clear: the past lies before us.
How good is man's life, the mere living! how fit to employ All the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy!
-- Robert Browning (1812-1890) -- Saul, ix...
I count life just a stuff To try the soul's strength on.
-- Robert Browning (1812-1890) -- In a Balcony...
How he lies in his rights of a man! Death has done all death can.
And absorbed in the new life he leads, He recks not, he heeds Nor his wrong nor my vengeance...
For life, with all it yields of joy and woe, And hope and fear (believe the aged friend), Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love,-- How love might be, hath been indeed, and is.
-- Robert Browning (1812-1890) -- A Death in the Dese...
I will not carve gods.
The future lies ahead. The past lies, lies, lies...