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Call Me If You Need My Phone Number!
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Call me if you need my phone number!
Need help to shorten phone number! Call 1-800-345-7895-22345568-32357-53688
I can't come to the phone now, so... Hey -- that's a nice phone you have there.
Hey sugar, you call this number often? I bet you have answering machines bothering you all the time....
My sister's asthmatic. In the middle of an asthma attack she got an obscene phone call.
The guy said, "Did I call you or did you call me?" -- John Mendoza...
Ahhhhhhhhh... ahhhhhhhhhh... (Heavy breathing sounds, like an obscene phone call.
) Oh, nuts, YOU called ME! Sorry. Never mind. Leave your name and number at the beep....
There was a phone call for you.
I NEED Kristie Alley's home phone number.
P.A.: T minus 14 seconds. Hank: If you need anything, you call me.
Homer: All right. What's the number? Hank: I've never had to call my own company....
The most obvious response when you return a call is to get the wrong number, a busy signal or no answer to the phone.
Hey, Jim, it's me, Susy Lillis from the laundromat.
You said you were gonna call and it's been two weeks. What's wrong, you lose my number?...