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Cicero's Style Bores Me. When I Have Spent An Hour Reading Him And Try To Recollect What I Have Extracted, I Usually Find It Nothing But Wind.
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Cicero's style bores me. When I have spent an hour reading him and try to
recollect what I have extracted, I usually find it nothing but wind.
-- Michel de Montaigne
I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of. Michel de Montaigne
I find that the best virtue I have has in it some tincture of vice.
-- Michael de Montaigne (1533-1592) -- Essays, Book ii, Chap. xx, That we taste nothing pure...
I will follow the good side right to the fire, but not into it if I can help it.
-- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne...
He that I am reading seems always to have the most force.
-- Michael de Montaigne (1533-1592) -- Essays, Book ii, Chap. xii, Apology for Raimond Sebond...
The thing in the world I am most of afraid of is fear, and with good reason, that passion alone in the trouble of it exceeding other accidents.
-- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592)...
I have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and have brought nothing of my own but the thread that ties them together.
-- Michael de Montaigne (1533-1592) -- Essays, Book iii, Chap. xii...
Why may not a goose say thus: "All the parts of the universe I have an interest i
he earth serves me to walk upon, the sun to light me...
Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know.
-- Michael de Montaigne (1533-1592) -- Essays, Book i, Chap. xxxi, Of Divine Ordinance...
What I gave, I have; what I spent, I had; what I kept, I lost. -- old epitaph