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Cycle Server: N. A Powerful Machine That Exists Primarily For Running Large {batch} Jobs.
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:cycle server: n. A powerful machine that exists primarily for
running large {batch} jobs. Implies that interactive tasks such as
editing are done on other machines on the network, such as
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
cycle server n. A powerful machine that exists primarily for running large compute-, disk-, or memory-intensive jobs (more formally called a `compute server').
Implies that interactive tasks such as editing are done on other machines on the network, such as workstations....
batch: adj. 1. Non-interactive. Hackers use this somewhat more loosely than the traditional technical definitions justify
in particular, switches on a normally interactive program that prepare it to receive non-interactive command input are often referred to as `batch mode' switches....
UUCPNET: n. The store-and-forward network consisting of all the world's connected UNIX machines (and others running some clone of the UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX CoPy) software).
Any machine reachable only via a {bang path} is on UUCPNET....
mainframe: n. Term originally referring to the cabinet containing the central processor unit or `main frame' of a room-filling {Stone Age} batch machine.
After the emergence of smaller `minicomputer' designs in the early 1970s, the traditional {big iron} machines were described as `mainframe computers' and eventually just as mainframes....
cray instability: n. A shortcoming of a program or algorithm that manifests itself only when a large problem is being run on a powerful machine (see {cray}).
Generally more subtle than bugs that can be detected in smaller problems running on a workstation or mini....
dickless workstation: n. Extremely pejorative hackerism for `diskless workstation'
a class of botches including the Sun 3/50 and other machines designed exclusively to network with an expensive central disk server....
eincarnation, cycle of: n. See {cycle of reincarnation}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary
operating system:: [techspeak] n. (Often abbreviated `OS') The foundation software of a machine, of course
hat which schedules tasks, allocates storage, and presents a default interface to the user between applications....
disclaimer: n. [USENET] n. Statement ritually appended to many USENET postings (sometimes automatically
by the posting software) reiterating the fact (which should be obvious, but is easily forgotten) that the article reflects its author's opinions and not necessarily those of the organization running the machine through which the article entered the network....