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Data: "We Are More Alike Than Unlike, My Dear Captain.
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Data: "We are more alike than unlike, my dear Captain. I have pores, humans
have pores. I have fingerprints, humans have fingerprints. My chemical
nutrients are like your blood. If you prick me, do I not...leak?"
-- "The Naked Now", Stardate unknown
If you prick me, do I not...leak? -- Data, "The Naked Now", stardate 41209.2
Data: "I have often wondered what it must be like to have one's mouth.
..water in anticipation of the arrival of a confection....
Data: "That is part of my dilemma. I have the curiosity of humans, but there are questions that I will never have the questions to.
What it is like to laugh, or cry, or to experience any human emotions....
Pardek: "So what do you think of your enemy, Captain Picard?
Picard: "These people are no one's enemy, Senator....
Data: "Commander Riker, you have anticipated my denouement.
However, the sentiment is appreciated. I will continue." -- "Schisms", Stardate unknow...
Captain, my dear Captain. You owe me something, you do realize that, don't you?
I'm a woman I haven't had the comfort of a husband, a man....
Data, we have 8 or 9 minutes at most, can you finish by then?
No, this will take slightly more time than we have, sir....
More fun than humans deserve to have!
I like sex. (Big letters) Since I don't have sex in your office, and I probably like sex more than you like smoking, please do not smoke in my office.
-- Sign in office...