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Devo: /dee'voh/ [orig. In-house Jargon At Symbolics] N.
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:devo: /dee'voh/ [orig. in-house jargon at Symbolics] n. A person in a
development group. See also {doco} and {mango}.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
doco: /do'koh/ [orig. in-house jargon at Symbolics] n.
A documentation writer. See also {devo} and {mango}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
mango: /mang'go/ [orig. in-house jargon at Symbolics] n.
A manager. Compare {mangler}. See also {devo} and {doco}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
mangler: [DEC] n. A manager. Compare {mango}; see also {management}.
Note that {system mangler} is somewhat different in connotation. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
ken: /ken/ n. 1. [UNIX] Ken Thompson, principal inventor of UNIX.
In the early days he used to hand-cut distribution tapes, often with a note that read "Love, ken"....
DPer: /dee-pee-er/ n. Data Processor. Hackers are absolutely amazed that {suit}s use this term self-referentially.
*Computers* process data, not people! See {DP}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
garbage collect: vi. (also `garbage collection', n.) See {GC}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary
demigod: n. A hacker with years of experience, a national reputatio
and a major role in the development of at least one design, tool, or game used by or known to more than half of the hacker community....
filter: [orig. {{UNIX}}, now also in {{MS-DOS}}] n.
A program that processes an input data stream into an output data stream in some well-defined way, and does no I/O to anywhere else except possibly on error conditio...
foobar: n. Another common {metasyntactic variable}
ee {foo}. Hackers do *not* generally use this to mean {FUBAR} in either the slang or jargon sense....