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Don't Drop Acid, Take It Pass-fail! -- Bryan Michael Wend
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Don't drop acid, take it pass-fail!
-- Bryan Michael Wendt
Don't drop acid -- take it pass/fail. -- Seen in a Ladies Room at Harvard
Practically every one of the top 40 records being played on every radio station in the united states, is a communication to the children - to take a trip, to drop out, to groove.
.. The psychedelic jackets on the record albums have their own hidden symbols and messages as well as all the lyrics of all the top rock songs, and they all sing the same refrain - "It's fun to take take a trip - put acid in your veins....
Take me to the river, drop me in the water.
When fair winds fail, take to the oars.
Michael Jackson vs Barney in a 13 round winner take all.
On my first acid trip, I thought I was God. On my second acid trip I thought I was Jesus.
On my third trip I thought I was Napoleon and on my fourth trip I thought I was a toadstool....
Pass/Fail: An attempt by professional educators to replace the traditional academic grading system with a binary one that can be handled by a large digital computer.
-- The Ultimate Scientific Dictionary...
The scientists most esteemed by their colleagues are those who are both very original and committed to the abstract ideal of truth in the midst of clamoring demands of ego and ideology.
They pass the acid test of promoting new knowledge even at the expense of losing credit for it....
Acid rain dissolves styrofoam.