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Don't Make A Molehill Out Of A Can Of Beans.
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Don't make a molehill out of a can of beans.
Abstain from beans; that is, keep out of public offices, for anciently the choice of the officers of state was made by beans.
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD) -- Of the Training of Childre...
A diplomat is a person who: + -always knows what to talk about, but doesn't always talk about what he knows.
+ -always tries to settle problems created by other diplomats....
If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.
-- Muhammad Ali...
uninteresting adj. 1. Said of a problem that, although nontrivial, can be solved simply by throwing sufficient resources at it.
2. Also said of problems for which a solution would neither advance the state of the art nor be fun to design and code....
uninteresting: adj. 1. Said of a problem that, although {nontrivial}, can be solved simply by throwing sufficient resources at it.
2. Also said of problems for which a solution would neither advance the state of the art nor be fun to design and code....
You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jelly beans.
-- Ronald Reagan (1981)...
Earth! render back from out thy breast A remnant of our Spartan dead!
Of the three hundred grant but three To make a new Thermopylae....